Copyright Corrina Tough 2011

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Ruby the ballerina

                                       copyright Corrina Tough 2011

                                      copyright Corrina Tough 2011

My beautifully devine Ruby had her first ballet concert on Sunday. She's the one with dark hair. I just love how the tutu's went on and the kids were transformed into prima ballerinas. Of course as the proud parent I took heaps of pics- here are some of my favourites. I especially love the effects in some of the black and white shots. The ever lovely Carla Coulson's tips for photographing dancing in low light was especially helpful and most of all we all had fun.xxCorrina.
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Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Joyeux Noel

                                            Traditional with a twist

                                         Christmas morning 2010

                                                   Silver Angels

                                            Turtle Doves with crowns
My take on decorating is a little eclectic with a touch of tradition and whimsy. I use a deep claret toned red, with bottle greens, golds, silver and white. My tree is quite large and we still don't have enough to cover the tree which is kind of o.k as I have it in a spot where you can't see the back so I cheat and put most of the decorations at the front and around the sides. Because of the lack of pretties, rather than try and change each year and make a theme as the trends seem to favour, I keep to the colourways I described and that way my tree always looks nice. More pictures to come. I have been so busy this year we're really just decorating the house now. These shots from last year. xxCorrina.
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Monday, 19 December 2011

No 10- relationship- dinner and games

                     We started the evening with snakes and ladders

Drinks and laughter

                                  A beautiful table with beautiful food

We talked into the night, and slept quite soundly, before we had to say goodbye, what a great time we had with our family. Until next time they visit us in Australia. xxxCorrina.
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