Copyright Corrina Tough 2011

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Ruby the ballerina

                                       copyright Corrina Tough 2011

                                      copyright Corrina Tough 2011

My beautifully devine Ruby had her first ballet concert on Sunday. She's the one with dark hair. I just love how the tutu's went on and the kids were transformed into prima ballerinas. Of course as the proud parent I took heaps of pics- here are some of my favourites. I especially love the effects in some of the black and white shots. The ever lovely Carla Coulson's tips for photographing dancing in low light was especially helpful and most of all we all had fun.xxCorrina.
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  1. Gorgeous Corrina - captured to perfection. Francesca x

  2. How magical!!! I know you must have loved every sweet moment!

