Copyright Corrina Tough 2011

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

The way to a man.........

                                 poulet roti estragon (roast chicken Tarragon)

                                             prune gateau (plum cake)

                      Speculoos and vin chaud (spiced biscuits and mulled wine)

                                    All images copyright Corrina Tough 2012

The way to my man's heart is through his stomach. With all the hype over Valentine's day, I know no matter what day it is, if I want my man to feel loved I can make him a gorgeous dinner and he is like a pig in mud! Especially if it is a roast. Add anything else to the menu and I know he'll be happy. Plus, I enjoy giving love that way, and we can enjoy it together. These shots are of one such feast, my very yummy poulet roti estragon (roast chicken Tarragon), prune gateau (plum cake) and vin chaud ( mulled wine) and speculoos (spiced biscuits). I made this yummo menu earlier this week and we enjoyed it imensely. Anyone else have ways of showing love to their special person? Let me know xxCorrina.
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