Copyright Corrina Tough 2011

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Retro Beach babe

                       All images copyright Corrina Tough 2012
                                      The day is hot, a basket and hat......

                                        Sunglasses are a must .....

                                          A stairway to heaven....

                                              Stop for a rest.......


                                    Scope the beach for the best spot

                                 Chrystal clear water and beautiful bush

                              Gidget eat your heart out!

         All images Copyright Corrina Tough 2012

                           Overexposed but how cool does this look?

A day at the beach with a beautiful model, a blissful realisation of how gorgeous this place is that I live, a swim in the ocean, sunkissed skin what more could you ask for?

Sunday, 4 March 2012

Tribute to Louise Moen Tough

                                                copyright 2012
On Monday 27th March we farewelled Louise Moen Tough. My husbands' nana who lived to almost 98 years old. She passed away on Thursday 23rd March about 2am. She was an amazing mother, grandmother and great grandmother. Louise had seen some amazing changes in the world in nearly 100 yrs, had lived on a sugar cane farm in north Queensland, lived in Sydney and in her final 7 years in a nursing home in Portmaquarie where my in-laws live. Louise had impeccable taste in clothes, and gifts as well as the fine china she bought over the years- living through the depression must have made an impression and she never went without in her later life. She worked tirelessly even as an elderly woman to help her local community centre and had a special affinity with children. She will be greatly missed. Louise played a huge role in my husbands life and consequently mine too and we all have very fond memories of her. Louise is the oldest of the three children in this photo- I think she was about 8 yrs old here, this image then must have been taken about 1919. What an amazing life. xxCorrina
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